Green Earthworm, a group participating in the Zorig Foundation’s Environmental Leadership Program, completed the upgrade of a regular home in the ger area to a model home with eco-friendly features last week.

The group built a footpath made of recycled blocks, bricks and timber from construction waste, planted four pine trees and over 30 fruit tree saplings, flower beds, and laid lawns inside the fence of the property.
Trash bins for organic waste, recyclable waste, and non-recyclable waste have been set up inside the house. Another eco-friendly feature that the group brought to the property was a bathroom sink that allows the reuse of its waste water.
The home was also equipped with a composting toilet, footpath lights charged by solar power, a gazebo and a pond with outdoor seats.
Green Earthworm prepared a short documentary film which shows how the ger area home was turned into an eco-friendly model home. The group also prepared a handbook, explaining how other ger area households can become eco-friendly with economical solutions.
The home belongs to G.Enkhtaivan and is located in the 11th khoroo of Bayanzurkh District. The fellowship program project serves as the first step in creating more model homes equipped with eco-friendly solutions at low costs.

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