Extraordinary Diet session parliamentary conference afternoon is scheduled to discuss the recall of members of ÜKhTs. In the fall, usually session of the public hearing on this issue took a break of the MPP group. ÜKhTs members of parliament in spite of the rest period has ended the MPP group in the recall proposal that was in violation of the Constitution. This is, the presence in the hearing session of the problem was not known. MP Temuujin has created information about the recall ÜKhTs members.
He, Constitutional Court chairman in taltsal controversy, recalling the differences of recognition of the parliament, he said and what people do "on this issue. This dispute is located around three issues. First of all, you are, like this is sent to the organization for the determination of the court, you need to not what you were. In other words, ÜKhTs chairman must be members make the decision of the Constitutional Court about the violation of the law violation. The first will be sent to the agency. Some people, this issue may need to explain that it should go together. Whether, it is also, the second proposal of the Supreme Court claiming that it was "offer". All of the things that the Supreme Court of the opinion has been controversy, were to meet was to make the Supreme Court and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, is a member. Third, it is the controversy over who is to determine the laws and regulations violation of ÜKhTs. There is such hysteria. This comment was made in the three issues.
Members of prominent lawyers and ÜKhTs is, part of the first members of the MPP has sent it on the basis of a proposal by the decision of the head ÜKhTs violation, members of ÜKhTs, we can recall the parliament of Mongolia national CP Act limits to paragraph 4 of Article 65 provision refers to the comments that it is a decision of the parallel court that has been sent to the agency. Coe printheads and the court is the name of the lawyer who taught the students as those of two separate, it is to teach my lessons, related to that word. However, today, we request that must be theirs in the khöndögdökhöd interested this time.
Fifth minute of May 6, 1992. In other words, the Constitution was adopted on January 13, 1992. A period of less than adopted after three months of the law that has been approved by the meeting of attitude. At the time, it has been written the members were waiting record. Page of this note 22 "or to determine the court itself. Or, send this organization source of is recommended to understand. This, too, ". Therefore if it is not connected, or as a link, which it was thought appropriate to create a defensive rights report based on the evidence of their profits.
Second problem. Affected problem violation ÜKhTs Act of Parliament of. Proposal will be the issue whether proposed by Congress of the Supreme Court. Problem to the presiding judge wrote Ts.Zorig by the Supreme Court. Now, the Chief Judge of the court of competent jurisdiction of Mongolia, the Supreme Court, it is mentioned in 13.1.1 of the right to represent the internal and external communication services. However, today there is no head and members of the legal issues of resignation is the power of the court, it does not have not been regulated by law. In 1993 and 2002, it has been approved to the jurisdiction. Based on Article 24 of this law 6.8, this regulation is Article 15 6.7- candidate members of the Constitutional Court. So is the need to recall ÜKhTs members, there is no nothing of the arrangement for that matter. The provisions of the Constitution, are managed must be a general law. ÜKhTs head paragraph of the Constitution Article 4 of 65 in parliament back on the basis of the proposal sent by the decision of ÜKhTs that violate the law, members of the first draw. It is correct to propose the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the current law. So here, the illegal or lack of understanding of the Constitution has been violated.
Who will determine the third violation of the law. Based on the proposals ÜKhTs head paragraph of the Constitution Article 4 65, the first members were sent to the organization, the determination of the break the ÜKhTs of the law is to be withdrawn in Congress. Court violated the one-third or rights established an organization of members of ÜKhTs method based on sin and proposed court established by law, be drawn to the parliament back the organization of the court the decision of recall ÜKhTs is can the law there has been sent. tüdgelzüülchikhsen and dügnelteeree or competent authority of this Act million people of Mongolian Constitutional Court has violated the law. The Constitutional Court submitted fastened to the parliament by a third on February 14, says the opinion in 2015. The 2016 conference. Why not written in 2015. It must be determined by the competent authorities in violation of the interruption or law for the conclusion 7. So, what of the service, in violation of the existing law on the law, not authorized by an authorized agency. Provisions because direct Constitution naked. According to the CP 65- paragraph 4, members of the legal judgment of the president and the organization on the basis of the proposed ÜKhTs is sent broken ÜKhTs, was originally set to be pulled back by Congress. Therefore, it is sent to the first of the institution or the Supreme Court. Congress back about the problem now. The law, regulate this issue. Ten thousand regulate the people ÜKhTs1 tütgelzüülchikhsen the provisions.
ÜKhTs Congress, this provision was suspended is regarded as chief of the authority, but insisted that no single, the provisions of the tüdgelzüülchikhsen itself was claimed.
Now CP- not to exercise his power of naked on the basis of the provisions of the special circumstances, Congress. This provision does not have a CP opportunities to conclude that illegal and wrong ÜKhTs. So for ÜKhTs head to discuss the problem of the National Assembly in the law violation is a right to issue the now of the regulation, but in violation of any of the CP, the CP about his use of congressional provisions to work Concern.
Problem is, the face of some of the members, Chairman of the problems today in parliament MPP affect the ÜKhTs MPRP- law violation, is interpreted as a violation of the CP, it is described in more detail. However, read the law. Lawyer performs the personal opinion of the comment-based black of legal provisions wrote, he said one of the not apply with respect to matters "and he explained head ÜKhTs court has violated the law.
He is Prime Minister of Mongolia judge Ts.ZorigtodÜKhTs head was stated that "sent a letter of his signed. Only Ts.Zorigtod is, the Supreme Court of the criminal chamber, conducted administrator example First Civil Chamber of the House, will send this letter to the chairman of the office. Similarly, we received a Z.Enkhboldod which means a letter to the parliament chairman. And, in some versions, it was submitted to the members. Operation will be led be assumed to have violated the law. The now middle AC-, Mr. J.AmarsanaaÜKhTs because to note that in the seat of the head of the middle Congress and the Supreme Court the law is your signature, and the decision-making on the case law of dispute resolution is ÜKhTs force ÜKhTs No held did not conduct. Seat conference of middle ÜKhTs must be submitted in writing in order to resolve whether or not to violate the meeting CP. Since I sent a üilchlüülekhgüi value and letter, however, head ÜKhTs, even preliminary conclusions and the millions of people in violation of the dispute resolution provisions of the law revision of the rules of procedure CP has approved the Court Act and the law court .
ÜKhTs of the head has been given instructions on how to use the law in the letter that was sent to the Supreme Court. However, the courts and the Constitution, "the judge of one embodiment authority, clear instructions that affect the khöndöngöös" about.
It only in relation to the power to establish the law and shut down of the law of the seat parliament meeting in the middle conclusion of ÜKhTs. However, the law minister on February 15, signed a üilchlüülekhgüi.
ÜKhTs it was concluded that the head Mr. J.Amarsanaa law unconstitutional has been specified by the apparently law of his signature and ÜKhTs. Members of its own, ÜKhTs has led to violation of the law.
Parliament speaker, parliament of behavior of a simple "character, the public of the" 8-membered signing told in full compliance with the Constitution. Concluded that the decision of the court is the same in did not accept the Parliament. Order the mark by a decision of 3 of Parliament. to determine him, signed a preliminary dügneltteigeer that has been assigned the hand.
Mid-seat parliament meeting has decided to create a clearly illegal infringement. In this way, the agent will be in violation of the law with a character that does not have to be appointed by the parliament. The name of the seat head meetings ÜKhTsJ.Amarsanaa 8 and members of the middle, if you have the right to refuse in order to resolve this dispute. Because I fought until the end of the ruling, it said that it has been called to the court of the "law.
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